Hear Stories
Hear personal stories sent to Justice Amy Coney Barrett that highlight the importance of reproductive freedom.
I don’t remember our conversations around the life-altering decision we needed to make. I may have expressed a wishful desire to be a parent. My girlfriend, also named Amy, was clear: I’m not ready.
We had a contraceptive failure and she got pregnant. We did everything right and it still happened.
I imagine all of the teens less resourced than me, the ones without trusted adults in their lives, without money; the ones who live in states without abortion providers.
And we knew that abortions were not legal in the United States at that time. So he figured out that we could go to Tijuana to get an abortion.
all these years later I am still angry about that. That I was not able to make that decision for my own body about what I wanted to do.
I talked with my gynecologist who said he couldn’t do anything to help me but he knew somebody in Japan who could give me an abortion.
In some ways my abortion story is extraordinary. How many people do YOU know who got pregnant with an IUD? But in many ways, it’s not. I needed healthcare. I got it.
They told us that he would continue to live and grow in utero, but would die after birth